Provide help on commands available after terminal-escape-char is typed." (interactive) (byte-code "ÂÃÄ!Å !ÆÇ!)" [char terminal-escape-char nil message "Terminal emulator escape help..." single-key-description with-electric-help (lambda nil (byte-code "ÇÈÉ%!ÇÊË!!ÇÈÌÍÎ Â#Î#!ÏÐ!+ÐÑ!Ò\"1ÓÑ!Ô\" oÕ@A!?Ö×Ø\" OÙÚÙ!OÇÛ!Ç@@!ÇÜ!Ç!ÝÞ!)A2)Æ" [char terminal-escape-map t l te-escape-command-alist doc nil princ format "Terminal-emulator escape, invoked by \"%s\"
Type \"%s\" twice to send a single \"%s\" through.
Other chars following \"%s\" are interpreted as follows:
Change the terminal-emulator escape character." (interactive "cSet escape character to: ") (byte-code "Ã Ä
)" [o terminal-escape-char c nil message "\"%s\" is escape char" "\"%s\" is now escape; \"%s\" passes though" single-key-description] 6))
(defun te-stuff-string (string) "\
Read a string to send to through the terminal emulator
as though that string had been typed on the keyboard.
Very poor man's file transfer protocol." (interactive "sStuff string: ") (byte-code "ÂÃ \"" [te-process string nil process-send-string] 3))
(defun te-set-output-log (name) "\
Record output from the terminal emulator in a buffer." (interactive (byte-code "ÁÂÃÄÅÆp!\"Á#C" [te-log-buffer nil read-buffer "Record output in buffer: " format "%s output-log" buffer-name] 6)) (byte-code "Á
(defun te-toggle-scrolling (arg) (interactive "p") (byte-code "ÁÂÃÄ\"ÅÆ!" [arg nil message te-toggle terminal-scrolling "Scroll at end of page" "Wrap at end of page"] 4))
Scroll at end of page (yuck)" (interactive) (byte-code "ÁÂÀ!" [t nil te-toggle-scrolling] 2))
(defun te-do-wrapping nil "\
Wrap to top of window at end of page" (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÀ!" [nil te-toggle-scrolling] 2))
(defun te-set-redisplay-interval (arg) "\
Set the maximum interval (in output characters) between screen updates.
Set this number to large value for greater throughput,
set it smaller for more frequent updates (but overall slower performance." (interactive "NMax number of output chars between redisplay updates: ") (byte-code "ÃÄ]Å" [arg terminal-redisplay-interval te-redisplay-count nil 1 0] 2))
allowing the next page of output to appear" (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂ!Ã " [nil message "Continuing from more break" te-more-break-unwind] 3))
(defun te-more-break-help nil "\
Provide help on commands available in a terminal-emulator **MORE** break" (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂ!ÃÄ!ÅÆ!" [nil message "Terminal-emulator more break help..." sit-for 0 with-electric-help (lambda nil (byte-code "ÃÄ!ÃÅÆÇÈÁ#ÉÈ!#!ÃÊË!!ÃÌ!Â" [terminal-more-break-map t nil princ "Terminal-emulator more break.
running under the terminal emulator and disables more processing until
all pending output has been dealt with."] 9))] 4))
(defun te-more-break-advance-one-line nil "\
Allow one more line of text to be output before doing another more break." (interactive) (byte-code "ÁÂÃ " [te-more-count nil 1 te-more-break-unwind] 2))
(defun te-more-break-flush-pending-output nil "\
Discard any output which has been received by the terminal emulator but
not yet proceesed and then proceed from the more break." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁ Â " [nil te-more-break-unwind te-flush-pending-output] 3))
(defun te-flush-pending-output nil "\
Discard any as-yet-unprocessed output which has been received by
the terminal emulator." (interactive) (byte-code "ÂA?ÃÄ!*Å ÃÆ \"ÇÈÉ \"DÊ ËÂ!ÌÇ!)" [te-pending-output length nil message "(There is no output pending)" te-pending-output-length "Flushing %d chars of pending output" 0 format "
Move down a line, optionally do more processing, perhaps wrap/scroll,
move to start of new line, clear to end of line." (byte-code "Å ? SÆWÇÂ! Æ= È m>Éee\\\"eb ;ÊË!dbÌcHÍË!É``\\\"ÎÏ\"Ð Ñ " [terminal-more-processing te-more-count t te-width terminal-scrolling end-of-line 0 te-set-more-count te-more-break delete-region delete-char 1 10 forward-char insert-char 32 beginning-of-line te-set-window-start] 11))
(defun te-down-vertically-or-scroll nil "\
Move down a line vertically, or scroll at bottom." (byte-code "i m'Ãee \\\"ebÄÅ!dbÆcÇÈ \"É *ÊÅ!Ë!)Ì " [column te-width end-of-line delete-region delete-char 1 10 insert-char 32 beginning-of-line forward-line move-to-column te-set-window-start] 9))